Since the Sirens on Audible

ACX-STS1-Cover-600August was a busy month here in Zombie Book Headquarters. I wanted to get my novel to Audible, which meant I needed to give it one more good scrubbing in the form of an edit. It took me several weeks but I think the book is a much tighter read. I’m so pleased with how it turned out. Listening to the novelĀ is a whole new experience for me. Very cool to hear the excellent narrator, Nancy Peters, bring my characters to life.

Hearing the story, as an author, really helps bring pieces of the story into focus that needed more emotion or clarification. Unlike a book, a listener can’t go backward (easily) to figure out who is speaking at a given time. If the text wasn’t clear, the audio is twice as muddy. That’s why the final edit needed extra diligence. In the end, it made the text book better as well as the narration.

I’m looking forward to putting my other books on Audible, but I need to take a break from the intensity of that project for a while before I do!

If you enjoy audio books, give it a listen!

I would love to hear whether you listen to zombie books, or others, on Audible. I don’t know if this is typical, but I don’t listen to audio books. Part of this is that I’m never in my car–I’ve worked from home for the past 12 years. If I had to sit in my car every day I think I’d rather listen to a book than what passes for morning radio.

That said, now that I’m publishing to audio, I think I need to get in the game!

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Helen Cutright
7 years 3 months ago

Love your “Since the sirens” books. Are you going to write a new one any time soon?
