End Days: Blue Apocalypse Launched

end-days-1-coverA new post-apocalyptic series!

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I’m excited to reveal a new project I’ve been working on with my friend and fellow post-apocalyptic author Craig Martelle.

If you’ve read any of my zombie books, you know the importance I place on family. This new series revolves around a truck-driving father and his fifteen-year-old son.

End Days: Blue Apocalypse

A blue light rips across the sky to all parts of the world. Buck sees it while walking to his truck in California. His son Garth sees it while at the airport in New York.

Civilization begins to unravel, but no one knows why. Airplanes crash. Satellites lose time. Giant thunderstorms blow up out of nowhere. Old things reappear.

Buck’s mission is to get back to his son.

Garth’s task is to stay alive until he returns.

Unfortunately, teen boys don’t always follow directions.

Read about their adventures today, only on Amazon!

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3 Comments on "End Days: Blue Apocalypse Launched"

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5 years 10 months ago

I have just finished your 2nd book in this series and am waiting for the next one. Please both of you write quickly

Dave Withe
5 years 10 months ago
E.E. I just finished Book 3. and left a 5 star review on Amazon for the series. This is one of the best Post Ap. series I’ve read. Best because the POV characters are more like real people that I know, unlike the typical “almost Super Hero-esque” survivors that most Post Ap. writers can’t seem to resist. My email may look a bit different. I’m started a Ghostwriting gig for my pastor’s wife. She “hired’ me after she read one of my published Time Travel Romance stories. I’ve also got a few SciFi stories published. I was interested in your… Read more »
5 years 7 months ago

I love your concept of a theistic paradigm!

I have the theory that, since God is EVERY -WHEN, when we experience deja-vu, we’ve “stepped out” of our temporal timeline. I looked for your books on Kindle, but couldn’t find them.
