Zombie Series Book 6

book6-fake-coverThings move fast in the world of my zombie series. I released book 5 less than a month ago, and I’m already 52k words into book 6. I’m calling this one Zombies Ever After. I think it will be the last one, for a while, that is set in the St. Louis area. There are things calling to Liam and Victoria from out of state…and I think they’ll need to go explore.

Part of me worries that spending too much time in the same area will turn people off to my series of books in general, though I’ve tried to make each book unique within the region. If I find myself on the verge of duplicating a location of a prior book–except for very brief stops where it makes sense–I’ll change things up. After 6 books, this will really take the series in a new direction, with new zombie challenges.

I’m taking some extra time to write this novel, and to promote it. As such, I’m not revealing the cover just yet. I just have this teaser image for Zombies Ever After.

My zombie series is reaching a new milestone with this volume. New horizons await Liam and Victoria, though I can’t give anything away just yet as to what their next adventures might be.


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